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A simple command line interface (CLI) for scdrake is available. It is already installed in the Docker image, otherwise it can be installed with


See the above function’s help page for possible parameters. By default, the CLI is installed in user’s home as ~/.local/bin/scdrake.

Using the CLI

You can display the help message by running scdrake or scdrake -h.

The CLI offers several commands which wrap the most frequently used scdrake functions. Some options and flags are command-specific.

The usage is:


Current commands are listed below.


Initializes a new scdrake project, by default in the current working directory. It will also download example data if you specify the --download-example-data tag.

Wraps init_project().


Runs a pipeline according to --pipeline-type parameter which can be currently single_sample or integration.

Wraps run_single_sample_r() and run_integration_r().


Updates the project files, by default in the current working directory.

Wraps update_project().


Downloads example data: PBMC 1k and 3k from 10x Genomics.

Wraps download_pbmc1k() and download_pbmc3k().


Checks for scdrake dependencies.

Wraps check_scdrake().

Technical notes

The CLI actually consists of two scripts:

  • scdrake is a shell script which forwards parameters to r --interactive -t path/to/scdrake.R …
    • r is called littler and it is basically a more friendly and robust alternative to Rscript.
  • scdrake.R is the R part of the CLI and parses command line arguments using the argparser package.
    • We need to run this script interactively, but that can be only achieved with r --interactive and in that case we cannot use the shebang line (#!/usr/bin/env r --interactive) because then the script doesn’t accept additional parameters. That’s why we are using the intermediate shell script.